Product of Divisors
For any integer \(n \geq 1\), the product of the positive divisors of \(n\) is given by
\[ \prod_{k \mid n} k = n^{\frac{d(n)}{2}}\]
where \(d\) is the divisor counting function.
We consider the product of square divisors and then, write the permuted product using the fact that a \(\frac{n}{k}\) also varies over all divisors of \(n\) as \(k\) does.
\prod_{k \mid n} k^2 &= \prod_{k \mid n} k \frac{n}{k} \\
&= \prod_{k \mid n} n \\
&= n^{d(n)} \\
\implies \prod_{k \mid n} k &= n^{\frac{d(n)}{2}}.